Wednesday, May 9, 2012

You can't get it back.

While Monkey was in his baby lounger seat, being bounced by my foot, I was checking Facebook and twitter and completely distracted by all that modern technology has to offer us today. Our fabulous pediatrician posted a link on Facebook to this post: How To Miss A Childhood.

After reading it I immediately put down the iPad and played with my 3 month old Monkey while Honeybee was still sleeping. When she woke up we made up stories while I made her breakfast. No tv, no iPad, no phone.

Only now that Monkey is napping and Honeybee has decided she wanted to play "all my by self" I resumed typing but put off the original blog post I was writing for today for I think this is a more important message to get out. Please go read it! How To Miss A Childhood.


Cheryl said...

I might not have a cell phone but I do have a laptop that sometimes gets over use. That article is a great reminder of our priorities. Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

I feel like that now... My 7 year old sometimes is dying for my attention. Most days he doesn't want it, but I've learned that when he does, I should give it to him. Once this little girl I have is born, I'm sure I'll back off everything for a while. But probably around 3 mos I'll be back just like you were in the post LOL

Kristina said...

I'm a much better mum when I don't have the phone or computer near me, so I try really hard not to let them be distractions - we spend most of our time outside and away from them. I don't want to miss anything when it comes to my kids:)
Thanks for sharing this article,

ReviewsSheRote said...

I love that artical!!!!
With the way we are electronically connected to everyone we miss opportunities for human connection with the ones that matter most!!!

Hezzi-D said...

I totally agree that technology is taking us away from human interaction and actually getting off the couch and doing something! I think more people need to put away the computers or at least limit the time on them.

Czjai said...

Thanks for sharing this article!
It reminded me of why I decided to stop working and become a full time mom instead. :)

Nicole Orriëns said...

Wow that really is a wake-up call! Thanks! I'm up!

<a href="" target=">Momfever</a>

Unknown said...

Julia... I could not agree more!! There are times that I have noticed that I have been on the computer much too long while my daughter has been basically left (in my presence) to fend for her self. I HAVE PUT DOWN THE LAPTOP! wink... I do my major post after she's gone to sleep. and if I must, like now do a little "work" (as I call it)... I limit myself to a half an hour and I'm off to do what we do best together... have fun and live! Thank you for the reminder. Blessings

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